
Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine that involves inserting very small needles into points in the body that initiate healing responses from the body.

Acupuncture is a form of nerve stimulation which initiates a healing response in the brain and body. It is thought that this ancient art has been practiced for over 5,000 years. The Neijing (c. 104‐32 BCE) is the first known work concerning acupuncture with this method of treating and managing ailments was developed to treat both humans and animals.

Thin, sterile, single-use needles are applied at specific locations, or points, on the body. Certain combinations of points encourage the return of normal function in the body. The goal of treatment is to stimulate the body to heal itself.

…for arthritis

…for arthritis

..for appetite loss

..for appetite loss

…for back pain

…for back pain


  • Musculoskeletal disorders- arthritis, disc disease (IVDD), hip dysplasia, muscle spasms

  • Gastrointestinal disorders- vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, etc.

  • Respiratory problems- asthma, chronic cough, chronic sneezing, etc.

  • Neurological disorders- epilepsy, chronic pain, IVDD etc.

  • Adjunct to chemotherapy- decrease side effects of bone marrow suppression, nausea, etc.

  • Urinary disorders- cystitis, incontinence, chronic renal failure, etc.

  • Dermatological problems- lick granulomas, allergic dermatitis, etc.

  • Behavioral problems- anxiety, lick granulomas, urinating outside of the box etc.

  • Autoimmune diseases and Allergies

Acupuncture is extremely effective in pain management, not only for musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, but also gastrointestinal problems such as colitis. Skin ailments can also be improved using acupuncture. Asthma and certain allergies can be managed using acupuncture due to its immune system benefits. It also helps in relieving ailments associated with the muscular and skeletal system such as arthritis.

Acupuncture For Dogs and Cats With Arthritis

A common use of acupuncture is to treat arthritis. Before commencing treatment, a thorough examination of the pet and history is taken. Dry needling, is when the acupuncture needles are inserted into the skin. Electro-acupuncture is when a tens unit is attached to some of the needles to further stimulate the nerves.  In areas where acupuncture needles a cannot be used or in patients who do not wish to have needles used, the doctor will apply acupressure, essential oils, aquapuncture (B12 with saline), or laser to the points to decrease inflammation, help induce pain reduction, improve circulation, move Qi and blood, and stimulate intracellular communication of the fascia.

Studies have revealed that acupuncture stimulates one or more of the signaling systems of the body. Turning these different systems can under certain circumstances, increase the rate of healing response which may be sufficient to cure a disease, or it might only reduce its impact (alleviate some symptoms). According to current understanding, the primary signaling system affected by acupuncture is the nervous system, which not only transmits signals along the nerves that comprise it, but also emits a variety of biochemicals that influence other cells of the body*. The nervous system through its signaling pathways (including the release of certain hormones) makes connections to every cell and system of the body.

One way acupuncture works is by stimulating specific regions and creating a reaction which generates pain-relieving responses which draw oxygen-rich blood to the area. Increasing blood circulation is critical in supplying enough oxygen to the body and aids in the removal of the toxins and brings in proteins needed for healing. Additionally, when the needles are inserted they help the muscles relax. This relaxation response spreads throughout the body of your pet, thereby helping aid in pain reduction. Acupuncture also works through the fascia, by improving signal transduction and intercellular communication.

Acupuncture can be used alone or in combination
with other modalities.

The use of acupuncture without herbs, or herbs without acupuncture, is not an act of a fine physician.
— Sun Si-Miao 581-682

Everyone asks, will my pet sit still?

You will be amazed at how your dog or cat responds to acupuncture. 99% of the time, they are able to take the 5-20 minutes that the needles are in, to have a nap and relax.

Here Onslo sits on his mom's lap as he sits with his acupuncture needles in.


Should you need any of the above services, we would love to discuss the options for your pet.