Is Holistic Allergy Treatment Right for Your Pet?

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There is a way to heal the cause of your pet’s allergic reaction…

instead of masking it.

Spring has officially sprung! Although we’re eager to welcome longer daylight hours, blossoming flowers and plants, and warmer temperatures, allergies are also on the menu. Due to our recent season transition, your pet may be suffering from itchy skin, causing him to constantly bite, scratch, and lick himself for relief. We know you would do anything to end his suffering, but, unfortunately, there’s no magic pill to make it all go away for good. 

Have you ever considered taking a holistic approach to treating your animal’s allergies? 

We welcome you to consider integrating holistic care into your conventional allergy medicine regimen. Holistic allergy treatment is a whole-body approach aimed at supporting your pet’s immune system and getting to the heart of their ailment.  It focuses on restoring your pet’s comfort, not just temporarily decreasing his histamine release. Oftentimes, a lifestyle adjustment is needed for your pet, as an allergic reaction is normally due to an immune reaction to food or an environmental allergy. There’s no way to cut corners when it comes to treating dermal allergic reactions such as inflamed, itchy skin. But there is a way to heal the cause of your pet’s allergic reaction instead of masking it with a cocktail of steroids, antihistamines, and antibiotics.

Holistic allergy treatment potentially avoids the undesirable side effects of drugs and hormones by exploring a wide range of options to create an innovative treatment plan for your pet. Alternative treatment options include diet adjustments, acupuncture, and herbal supplementation and are sometimes combined with traditional medicine. 

In the meantime, focus on getting your pet outdoors for some physical exercise. Nothing feels better to your pet than direct skin contact with the Earth’s surface! Walking outdoors or using other common grounding techniques can reduce or prevent the cardinal signs of inflammation such as redness, swelling, and pain and can have antioxidant effects. 

With time, care, and dedication, your pet can finally get relief and return to a happy, healthy daily routine.

Sign-up to access our mini-class on allergies to learn more about how to provide long-lasting allergy relief for your pet!

Alexia Tsakiris